Okay Whats up with phones on a sunday night, do they all go wacko or its just mine?!?! maybe its cos i throw it at the wall too much...stupid phone revenge, but i shall not give up on this fight between u nd me phone... ur going down!!!!!!
I know its none of my business but whats up with girls that fuck every lad they see nd meet in parties nd all that and what the hell is a sex party :S(I am not naive, im just not that much of a whore) dont girls value themselves anymore?!?! it creeps me out a little bit because people should have sex no scratch that word out people should only MAKE LOVE with the boy or girl they love(believe me i am not old fashioned i am just right in the head sometimes...)
Anyway whats up with outside PE classes D= they suck cos its either too hot or too cold and im giving up on those kind of classes cos its horrible nd every girl knows the sun ruins a lot of our posture nd composure...
You know when you need to study for something cos u av a exam on monday... well i tried really but french doesnt get in my head...still i finally..FINALLY finished my french work after months of doing nd redoing it soooooooo loads of golden stars for me :D
Whats up with people and football.... okay so i do likeeeeeee football a little bit too much but hey i hope i do not end up like my mum who asks me 5 in 5 minutes hows the result nd everytime i say her football club is winning she screams nd calls her friends and they all ramble about how great they are O_o ill spare my kids dignity...at least that xD
Whats up with kids who are only your friends when they need something =S amazing how they remember its their birthday one week nd come to you ask for a present nd the next week when its your birthday they dnt even remember... its actually sad but two words for those kids if they ever come to me again: FUCK OFF
Whats up with obese people.... its so hmm problematic, you can like maybeeeeee(i dont wanna hurt ur feelings) but u cud maybe look for a nutritionist or a hmm plastic surgeon because i mean its super unhealthy nd really i dnt think you wanna die at 40...
Omg Whats up with those disgusting caterpillars i mean its so fucking disgusting nd then turns into a pretty butterfly *-* sooo disgusting--->butterfly and butterfly fucks other butterfly nd there we go loads of disgusting crawling bugs...i mean have u looked at that...it creeps me out i am honestly scared of those things....if they didnt turn into pretty things id say kill them all.... freaky bugs..... eww
Dont You just love birds *-* i mean all birds except those creepy owl ones... whats up with those ugly birds O_o they need a makeover ASAP so anyway if ur reading this nd u wanna be a nice (: pleaseeee buy Nessie a bird =D
So this week has been a bit complicated nd i just wanna maybe remind u there are lot of links u can check out in the right side of my blog in case you have a problem or want to help a non profit organization... so today im adding one more bout suicide prevention,awareness nd support so check it out if u need or if u wanna learn bout it
Epiphanies Of Nessie Volume 6
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