Whats up with homophobic people... i honestly cant take any more bitter comments to the gay/lesbian/bisexual nd transgender society , were all equal, we all have the same rights so honestly please tell me when was liking someone from the same gender wrong you twats! Gay people deserve to get married nd have kids, they deserve to live in a good and accepting society(which apparently we dont have!) and whats up with you extreme right assholes and always ruining the gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender fight for their rights... i dont see anyone ruin your fucking meetings...xenophobic bastards. If i could have a magic wish, i'd wish for people to accept the gay society because they're really amazing people and i love them to bits (: Gay Pride Forever (Y)
Ever had one of those days when the people who distract you from having sad feelings are all gone and you have no reasons to smile and you just wanna cry when suddenly you see ex friends and wish sometimes you could join them nd be with them but cant because there is someone in their group who doesnt really talk to you anymore... i dont regret any of my life choices and im not running away but today i got sure of how bad i wanted to go to another school, its what happens when everyone else that keeps you from falling are gone... Makes you wanna start all over again and i think the change will make me good (Y)
I had a interesting day even thought it was a bit sad it still had its high bits , my class had a debate with someone from the immigrant nd intercultural support and it was actually interesting, i got to learn a few things i didnt know about and did you know that if you're part of the european union you can just come into another european union country nd ur not considered an immigrant? all u need is to find a work nd do the normal paper work people from that country do... i didnt know that nd its actually interesting( Deanie blame uk for getting out of the EU :P we'll still make it possible baby) and did you know that after all chinese people arent really more than the portuguese population :O thats actually shocking cos it so looks like they are... There is 4 million portugueses outside of our country which left us with another 10 million to annoy =P anyway enough of strange facts...
Whats up with people that take their phones to the beach... it will die most likely when water kills it xD i think you should either start leaving in ur beach bag or just dont take it at all because if it keeps on till the end of summer, phone shops will get pretty rich...
Whats up with girls that are afraid to talk about sex and ask questions bout it( ye am totally talking bout me O_o) i have no idea why am i so shy about it but im gonna blame my mum for never talking bout sex with me(seriously mum im 17 xD) at least i know about sex unlike girls that dont O_O but honestly "parents" you need to start talking to your kids about it when they reach a certain age or they will most likely never fuck anyone... or turn into bondage porn stars xP...
Whats up with boys that are total twats and treat girls like trash, honestly whats up with that lads?!? are you fucking stupid... no one will ever stay with u for life if you keep like that... soft violence should be only used in bed ;) so stop being such twats nd treat your girl's like princesses because thats what all girls are!!!!!!!
Whats wrong with those fake bitches that never ever ever shut up!?!?! you all look like a fucking CD repeating over nd over... say it once and SHUT THE FUCK UP no one is interested in your dumb thoughts so dont share it(please do that for the sake of society) oh ye and if you ever get the chance to see how fake you really are, if i were you id punch myself(But hard ok, no soft punching, or ill be very glad to give u a second punch if u need it)
Anyway to finish... (cos my husband is impatient about reading this xD) i'll leave you with some websites to check if you wanna help in the fight for gay rights or have questions about ur sexual orientation.
Any other doubts and questions about sexual orientation stuff and gay rights don't hesitate to ask (Y)
Epiphanies Of Nessie Volume 5