Okay what's up with those whores you know that keep saying Yay nd pretending to be who they're not nd using that disgusting baby voice of theirs( Pleeeeeeease shoot yourself) nd stop stealing other people's friends and boyfriends, i already knew you were a slut but you shouldnt get new victims to annoy kid maybe you should think of getting ur own life instead of stealing the others life... believe me just because i dont open my mouth to ruin ur fake reputation doesnt mean i wont fucking punch you during break time one day, you killed the sun today with All that fake sweetness(ye btw quit that baby voice it got me deaf with all those high decibels you give it) You make a beautiful sunny day into a very UGLY storm... Ah yes almost forgot PLEASE GET THAT MENTAL HEALTH CHECKED LASS YOU'RE FUCKING CRAZY...
French Can be a very hot and sexual/romantic language but when you had classes for months you start getting a bit tired of it, i mean ye its cool but whats up with all that grammar rules and all those crazy things you have to add so sentences actually make sense... it drives me mad
Whats The matter with kids that spend their life making fun of the others, i mean not everyone is perfect and i'll be the first nd hopefully not the last to admit i am very very very far from perfect but hey at least im original and unique but i dont need people picking on me i already do that all the time so why cant kids be nice to other kids because the situation my class is currently in isnt a pretty situation...
The weather is killing me im afraid to melt one of these afternoons, luckily thursday its gonna rain to satisfy all my dreams...
French Can be a very hot and sexual/romantic language but when you had classes for months you start getting a bit tired of it, i mean ye its cool but whats up with all that grammar rules and all those crazy things you have to add so sentences actually make sense... it drives me mad
Whats The matter with kids that spend their life making fun of the others, i mean not everyone is perfect and i'll be the first nd hopefully not the last to admit i am very very very far from perfect but hey at least im original and unique but i dont need people picking on me i already do that all the time so why cant kids be nice to other kids because the situation my class is currently in isnt a pretty situation...
The weather is killing me im afraid to melt one of these afternoons, luckily thursday its gonna rain to satisfy all my dreams...
Isn't it the most amazing thing when you can say your relation with your lad is actually working and you can actually start planning ur future life together... 9 months that took my breath away, 9 months that made me grow up and be a better person, 9 months that made me become the happiest lass alive... 9 months for which i have to thank you for Dean... you are and will always be the perfect lad for me, I Love You
Anyway who would know that you really learn something new everyday, as i learned today with my friend Joana you can indeed eat melted ice creams instead of throwing them to the trash... why not use a straw!! :D
Anyway who would know that you really learn something new everyday, as i learned today with my friend Joana you can indeed eat melted ice creams instead of throwing them to the trash... why not use a straw!! :D
Check It Out ---> http://crepusculoportugal.blogs.sapo.pt/ Go read my friend Joana's blog about twilight... Thats an Order!!!!
Epiphanies Of Nessie Volume 2
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